Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Acupuncture for Pregnancy

As a growing number of midwives are now trained to provide acupuncture for pregnancy, recent research into its effectiveness is showing it to be a suitable, safe, and medication free option. 
Acupuncture can help treat a wide range of pregnancy related complaints and assist in preparation for a smooth and efficient labour. 

For more details about acupuncture during birth, please see Labour and Birth Acupuncture

"I went to Helen after being told I might need an induction at the hospital which I didn't want. Helen helped me relax, and luckily, she is a doula, and was really able to help me understand my options. The treatment cleared all anxiety that had overcome me... 
I had two more sessions with Helen to prepare the body for the natural birth I wanted. 
I had my baby 13 days past my due date (a day before I had scheduled an 'induction' with Helen as I didn't want to have to go through one at the hospital). 
I am happy to report that I had an all natural birth, with no pain relief which made my bonding and feeding the baby fast and beautiful. Also the healing after my birth was fast."

Acupuncture for Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy  

Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a comprehensive way of managing the often debilitating and exhausting period in may pregnancies where nausea, vomiting, or the more serious hyperemesis gravidum is present. 

Through a careful diagnosis of the underlying patterns, I am able at offer treatment and provide information about points you can stimulate at home. This is likely to include points specific to you other than P6 which has been well researched in its usefulness for the condition.
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG)  Guidelines 2016 support the evidence that acupuncture can be safe and useful to treat nausea, vomiting and hyperemesis gravidum.

       "Women may be reassured that acustimulations are safe in pregnancy. Acupressure may improve NVP (Nausea Vomiting in                  Pregnancy)".

Single Treatment 
Including personalised acupoints sheet for home stimulation 

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Below is a list of conditions which women commonly seek acupuncture for during their pregnancies, and I have seen in clinic.

  • Threatened miscarriage
  • Nausea and vomiting/hyperemesis
  • Hypertension
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Sleep problems
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Small for dates (IUGR/ Intra Uterine Growth Retardation)
  • Anaemia
  • Heartburn
  • Musculoskeletal disorders: Symphis Pubis Dysfunction, Sciatica, Back Pain
  • Oedema
  • Itching (PUPPP, Prurigo gestations)
  • Breech presentation
  • Preparation for Labour
  • Induction of Labour

 Breech Presentation

Many studies have looked at the safety and effectiveness of the use of burning moxa (Artemis Vulgaris) for the treatment of breech presentation, and have concluded it to be both safe and effective at turning babies.  
(Vas J, Aranda-Regules JM, Modesto M, et al Using moxibustion in primary healthcare to correct non-vertex presentation: a multicentre randomised controlled trial Acupuncture in Medicine 2013;31:31-38)

I offer this simple, non-invasive treatment session from 34 weeks, and provide one session, and a supply of moxa for 10 days together with an instruction sheet for home use.

Single Acupuncture Treatment Including Moxa
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Preparing for Birth

The final weeks of pregnancy are a time of ripening as the body prepares not only the baby but the mother for the journey of birth ahead.  I offer a course of 3 treatments, which can be taken from 37 weeks which help prepare the mother-to-be for an optimal labour.  

Research shows pre birth acupuncture is seen to shorten the duration of labour. 
(Rabl M, Ahner R, Bitschnau M, Zeisler H, Husslein P : Acupuncture for cervical ripening and induction of labour at term – a randomised controlled trial. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2001; 113 (23-24): 942-6) 

and many midwives who have used acupuncture in pregnancy have noticed that women who have had routine pre-birth acupuncture too:
  •  have a shorter average first phase of labour, suggesting a more effective dilation of the cervix from 3 cm to delivery. 
  • It is more likely a woman will go on to labour spontaneously, with midwives observing a reduction in the number of women seeking inductions. 
(Betts, RN and Lennox, MA, Acupuncture For Prebirth Treatment: An Observational Study Of Its Use In Midwifery Practice, Journal of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture; 17, 3 2006)

Whilst there is an emphasis in treatment on preparing the cervix and pelvis for labour, there is the opportunity to treat other conditions to help mother-to-be. 

These treatments can focus on
  • alleviating stress and anxiety about the birth 
  • preparing the cervix and pelvis for an effective labour
  • pregnancy induced hypertension
  • back pain
  • haemorrhoids
  • hyperacidity
  • sleep problems

During these sessions, I can provide information about the use of acupressure during labour and provide an easy to follow information sheet for birthing partners, which can be demonstrated to a partner during the session.

 'Preparing For Birth'
3 Weekly Treatments
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Acupuncture as an Alternative to Hospital Induction of Labour

Waiting for a baby can be hard work! With the pressure of relatives, friends and midwives suggesting that baby is 'overdue', or needs to be born for other reasons, this can often present mums to be with many choices, and changes to their birth plan.
I always discuss what the reasons are for your request to accelerate the onset of labour, and where there is a clinically indicated reason to induce your labour, I am able to offer acupuncture as an alternative to a chemical induction.

As safety of mother and baby is always my highest concern, for me to offer this treatment I like to see your notes/speak to your midwifery team to confirm that induction has been suggested and is suitable, and there are no known conditions that would contraindicate it (e.g. placenta previa). This treatment is gentle, non invasive, but effective, and you are able to travel home safely and await the onset of labour.

I provide course of up to 3 treatments, should you need them, advice and an information sheet for you/your partner about acupressure points that you can stimulate at home. It is best if you can attend daily, prior to any scheduled induction at hospital. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your particular circumstances.

After the first treatment, we can schedule your next treatment. In the event that you need to cancel as labour has begun, there is no cancellation fee and any treatments not taken are refunded. 

Acupuncture as an Alternative to Hospital Induction of Labour

Single treatment
Course of 3 Successive Daily Treatments

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